Feast Your Eyes

Since it seems we’ll be here in Paris until Tuesday morning, I’ve taken some time to upload photos.

This is Mont Saint-Michel

Probably one of the scariest and most impressive places you will ever visit, this medieval city on an island in the salt lands inspired the Lord of the Rings artists when they designed Minas Tirith, except it looks more like a dark Minas Tirith that has been conquered by Sauron. This is the place you see in your nightmares, the place you might have been imprisoned and tortured in a past life. This is Mont Saint-Michel, built for the angel Michael who slays the dragon of Satan. But you’ve got to wonder who is slaughtering whom…

And here is Carnac.

These are photos of the Neolithic menhirs and a “tumulus.” The set starts with some legit “ghost orb” photos I took from our apartment of the spooky old rubble house in the parking lot where we stayed in Brittany.

And finally, a little of Carcassonne

Where the Cathars were slaughtered in the Crusades. Strangely enough, this was the most cheerful place we visited. I had this explosion of geek glee when I saw the castle, remembering the time when “all things medieval” was cool and everything was somewhat sanitized through the SCA and other groups I was involved in. I fell in love with a statue of Joan of Arc there.

And now I must get back to shopping…

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