Debris on the Tracks

I’m losing steam. Only 4624 words since Wednesday morning. Of course, I’ve had some other stuff going on, but I’m letting it bog me down.

Still, I’m at 37,162 at the moment and hoping to hit 40,000 by tonight. My projected length by Word count is 60,000. I have 10 days to do that before we leave on a little vacation in Avoriaz with friends.

No, I don’t ski. My big plan is to strap on snow shoes and bother wildlife. The truly bizarre thing about this resort is that it is about 5 miles away from the exact spot my characters in Mr. Wicker stop for the night and Drunos has a prophetic dream. When The Frenchman showed me where we were going on the map, my head whirred with disbelief and excitement. I’ll be seeing things from just above where my characters “were” so many hundreds of years ago.

When I come back, I’m going to put aside this thing to stew and start SECRETS FOR MELUSINE. I know I’m supposed to be doing some research, too. My plate will be full.

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