Site icon Maria Alexander

On Life. On Death. On Digital Cameras.

Tonight before buckling down to write, I took back my crappy A1000 Canon camera to the store where I bought. (I think that’s what it was called, anyway.) I exchanged it for a sweeeeeet PowerShot SD1200 IS. I’m currently uploading videos of Robie I took with it to torment you all.

But on the way home, I was gliding up the 2 and noted the helicopters circling over the highway. Something heinous must have happened, I thought. And, as I approached, it became more apparent from the police activity lining the highway what had happened: someone’s car had flipped over the edge of the freeway and took a terrifying tumble into the ravine.


I didn’t even think such a thing was possible. Apparently it is.

They’re still out there. Circling. Searching. Watching.

Nothing like a horrific event to make me feel damned happy to be alive.

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