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“Conspiracy of One” Podcasted by Tales to Terrify

One of my rare science fiction stories — “Conspiracy of One” — has just been podcasted by the amazing Larry Santoro on Tales to Terrify. In 2002, Larry’s adaptation and audio production of Gene Wolfe’s “The Tree Is My Hat,” was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award. I was there at the World Horror Convention in Chicago when he showcased it, placing on the stage Neil and others to voice the various parts.

Listen to “Conspiracy of One” now!

This time, it’s his cohort Steven Howell who takes on the voice of the hapless protagonist in this time travel tale. The premise is based on a true story. Back in 1998 or 1999, in the dawn of Ebay, I found a posting from someone trying to sell a time machine. The auction copy was full of typos and grammatical hiccups. I laughed so hard when I read it, I emailed the link to many of my friends. Those who didn’t have email, I called and read it out loud to their great amusement. The only other things the seller had sold before that were very low-tech crap items, like diskettes or something. I borrowed the gist of the posting to write this story.

“Conspiracy of One” was originally published in Horror Carousel, Issue #1, 2004.

Hope you enjoy it!

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